Thursday, May 22, 2008

Don't You Just Want to Hide?

When the excitement and enthralling joy of pregnancy ends in miscarriage, hiding and fleeing may be your first instincts.

I know I wanted to stay home, not go out, not play tennis, not go to church. I thought about moving, about taking an extended vacation (I did this one time!) and I thought about just running out into the street and not coming back.

I haven't finished my story in this section of our blogs, but when I do publish it you'll see that I've had 6 miscarriages, I know what I'm talking about.

Came across a beautiful poem in The Psalms the other day and wanted to share it with you:

Psalm 27:5

For in the day of trouble He will conceal me in His tabernacle,
In the secret place of His tent He will hide me.
He will lift me up on a rock.

Hiding is OKAY. Sometimes we think that to be healthy (a la Oprah or Dr. Phil), we must process our pain, announce our moving on and rejoin our lives. Well, eventually this is good. But don't forget that miscarriage is usually such a public event, especially if we have shared the good news of our pregnancy with family and friends, that everywhere we may go we will be reminded of its pain.

The good news God has for us is that, after running to Him, He will conceal us, hide us and lift us up.